Laundromat Video
20 October-31 October
I Go Where the Party Takes Me, Wallace Trust Gallery, Auckland
D.A.N.C.E art club were invited to be guest artists for the exhibition I Go Where the Party Takes Me, at Wallace Trust Gallery in Auckland. D.A.N.C.E art club's contribution was to create a moving image piece titled ‘Laundromat’. This performance piece took place at the superette and laundromat behind the AUT Art & design Building on Mount Street. We were interested in using their multi channel security system which showed live surveillance from both the superette and the laundromat at the same time. The performance itself was based on a series of works Ahilapalapa had been working on at school, impersonating celebrity music videos using cosplay outfits. This piece featured an attempt at the choreography and outfit design from Beyonce’s recent hit ‘Sweet Dreams’ in the laundromat. This video piece is now one of the most recognisable works from D.A.N.C.E. art clubs early years and has clocked up 4,583 views on youtube. The footage was filmed by Chris and Vaimaila and edited by Chris Fitzgerald.